The meeting of all the students who enrolled in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Patras in the academic year 1979, either by examination or transfer from another institution, was held with great success.  The meeting took place on Saturday June 17th, 2023.

In the morning, a tour in the Department’s laboratories took place by Professors Thanasis Triantafyllou, Stathis Bousias, Thanasis Dimas and Panagiotis Pelekis.  This was followed in the evening by a dinner at the roof garden of the Astir Hotel.

Attached are photos from the meeting.


The meeting of all the students who enrolled in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Patras in the academic year 1979, either by examination or transfer from another institution, was held with great success.  The meeting took place on Saturday June 17th, 2023.

In the morning, a tour in the Department’s laboratories took place by Professors Thanasis Triantafyllou, Stathis Bousias, Thanasis Dimas and Panagiotis Pelekis.  This was followed in the evening by a dinner at the roof garden of the Astir Hotel.

Attached are photos from the meeting.


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