George Dedoussis is a Professor of Molecular Genetics and Nutrigenetics at the Department of Science in Nutrition-Dietetics of Harokopio University in Athens. He received his Bachelor degree in Biology from the University of Patras, his MSc degree from the University of Compiegne in France and his PhD from the Medical School of Athens. He worked as a researcher on a Fulbright scholarship at the Medical Faculty of the ‘Harvard University’ (Boston, USA). During the period 2012-2016 he was member of the University council. He was elected as the Vice-President of the Hellenic Institute od Research & Innovation. In 2018 he received “The Gutenberg Chair” from the Region Grand Est, Euro metropole de Strasbourg. He has published more than 330 papers and his research work has been recognized by others (number of citations > 73.000, h-index: 92).  He was nominated in 2019 among the most cited scientists worldwide during the last decade. He has coordinated many national and European grants in the field of genomics of obesity, myocardial infraction and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). He is also testing the impact of natural compounds on NAFLD patients and he was the coordinator of a Marie Curie RISE European grant (

George Dedoussis is a Professor of Molecular Genetics and Nutrigenetics at the Department of Science in Nutrition-Dietetics of Harokopio University in Athens. He received his Bachelor degree in Biology from the University of Patras, his MSc degree from the University of Compiegne in France and his PhD from the Medical School of Athens. He worked as a researcher on a Fulbright scholarship at the Medical Faculty of the ‘Harvard University’ (Boston, USA). During the period 2012-2016 he was member of the University council. He was elected as the Vice-President of the Hellenic Institute od Research & Innovation. In 2018 he received “The Gutenberg Chair” from the Region Grand Est, Euro metropole de Strasbourg. He has published more than 330 papers and his research work has been recognized by others (number of citations > 73.000, h-index: 92).  He was nominated in 2019 among the most cited scientists worldwide during the last decade. He has coordinated many national and European grants in the field of genomics of obesity, myocardial infraction and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). He is also testing the impact of natural compounds on NAFLD patients and he was the coordinator of a Marie Curie RISE European grant (

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